VIDEO Not 100% finished yet, but this is how far I got in five hours. Gruß Janne
Hi Janne, I believe the driver is drunk. Greetings from lower franconia send Mad Max
Grüße aus Unterfranken Mad Max Qualität aus Franken - garantiert nicht aus Bayern Versuche auch Unerprobtes - Profis bauten die Titanic, Amateure die Arche
The steering is very sensitive near the middle, that's why. It might get better after some adjustments in the Tx, and some training. :)
14.01.2014 15:38
Hi Janne! Nice car! I'm wondering about the motor system. Before the car moves, I hear the sound of a gear box. Does the car engine already run or do I hear something different? Lasse
Hey Janne, this is a very nice Car. Greetings, André.
ACHTUNG! Verlassen sie das brennende Gebäude BEVOR sie es posten!
-Lasse That sound comes from the steering servo, not from the motor. It is much louder in the video than in real life. Sorry to make you disapointed if you expected a functional clutch and a three speed gearbox. -André Thank you! I will add some lights and fix some other details in the look, soon.
Now it´s almost finished:VIDEO
Great work, do you have any inside pictures?
Thanks! Iside picture before intalling the lipo:
26.01.2014 17:05
Great. Small, but it's nice. How did you installed the servo for steering? This is not visible on the picture ...
Nette Grüße vom Toni > Die Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler sind Ausdruck meiner Kreativität ...<
Are you using a linear actuator or a Biometal actuator?
It is a small magnetic servo. It is not as good as I had hoped. Really hard to make smooth turns and the steering does not always center correctly. But the car is possible to drive even if it is not perfect, and that is good enough for me in this size.
also eine nicht proportionale lenkung-geht also nur gerade aus und voller lenkeinschlag...
The magnetic coil is connected to an ESC so it is actually proportional, not only "on/off", but the precision is not so good. It does not have a potentiometer to read the position, like a normal servo, and that's probably why.
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