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Dieses Thema hat 1 Antworten
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Rc-ett87-swe Offline

Beiträge: 57

20.12.2012 17:27
Herpa Liebherr LRS 645 Antworten

Is there anyone here that is thinking of doing this as a function model. I want to do it and have on a container terminal.

The LRS 645 i released next year, have anyone here some more pictures of the Herpa model. It was shown i Köln at the hobby show there earlier this autumn.

Liebherr LRS 645

LRS 645 data sheet pdf

Herpa 301800 LRS 645

How many channels may be in use on this one?

1 ch Forward / back
1 ch Steering left / right
1 ch Boom up / down
1 ch Boom extension in / out
1 ch Spreader extension 20 ft <-> 40 ft containers
1 ch Spreader rotation
1 ch Swap boby hooks

The light can be on instantly when power is on so it don´t need a channel.

A total of 7 channels needed. For that I´m thinking of rebuilding a radio with a DT Tx2 transmitter. The DT receivers are small and have DSM2 but by far the best thing, the price is low. So I don´t need to buy a radio Spektrum radio. I have plenty of old radios laying around.


Mikromodellbuer from Sweden.

Neo007 Offline

Beiträge: 52

23.12.2012 18:48
#2 RE: Herpa Liebherr LRS 645 Antworten

i have small idea going by this sketch ive just did

was thinking of a small wire/string that would pull the second part of the arm up and the gripper would be using teethed rails with long worm gear to put in oppersit directions but like anything its just idea but im sure some1 will have a diffrent variation of it im sure but would love to see progress on this if you do




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